Interview Scheduling

What is it?

Interview Scheduling is an automated way of booking candidates for interviews. Here at AiRecruiter, we know how much time can be wasted booking interviews with candidates whether it be online or in person.

The constant diary checking causes stress and frustration for your recruiters as well as time lost. Therefore we have designed our scheduling piece to be as simple as possible.

How does it work?


Once a candidate has been screened and has been chosen for the interviewing process simply send the AiRecruiter chatbot to the candidate which allows them to book a slot directly into your recruiter’s calendars.


The recruiter has the power to decide which slots are free and available to be chosen from.


It gets better, AiRecruiter is fully integrated with all popular calendar choices meaning the solution slides straight in to your current processes.

The Benefits

Time saved for your recruiters

Increased Candidate Experience

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