Steve Beckitt – T120SRP Transcript

Callum Hull

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the 120 seconds Recruitment Podcast this week I’m joined by Steve Beckitt. It’s so great to have you on steve. Steve your first question is “how do you continue to learn in order to stay on top of things within your role”?

Steve Beckitt

So lots of different ways reading industry books industry blogs as well find they’re all very current and you can keep up to date really well, so find great websites related to your particular area. Having really good advisors on hand, people that have been through your journey before and can help you avoid making mistakes they might have made. Speaking to peers, other business owners as well and also going through similar things and learning from them. Also speaking to your team I find I pick up loads from the team, we’ve got a really bright bunch here at Sourcebreaker and loads of good ideas. I’ve learnt a lot from the people that I work with here as well.

Callum Hull

That’s brilliant that you can learn from the people around you. Steve your second question is “what advice would you give to someone wanting to pursue a similar career to yours”?

Steve Beckitt

So mainly be prepared to make a lot of sacrifices. If you’re starting a business it does take an extremely large amount of work and effort and sacrifice so for me that was saving as much money as I could living on beans on toast that kind of thing. minimal socializing just going out with friends for birthdays and special occasions and just keeping that to a minimum because the rest of the time I would be working.

Find great advisors as I say I’ve got some really good ones myself make sure you don’t make mistakes that you don’t need to you be willing to ask other people for help and guidance so yeah so you don’t have to you have to trip up unnecessarily up.

Then the thing that’s maybe a bit counterbalanced to work relentlessly is getting balance as well is really really important. So you do need to work way more hours than you probably would do in a normal job. But it’s also important to find time to exercise find time for yourself away from work.

The mistake that I made was working relentless hours but doing nothing else. Like literally waking up working going to bed. It took a couple of years before I realized that you know that I should actually also be making make sure I exercise all that kind of stuff as well.

Callum Hull

Yeah, work-life balance is definitely important. Thank you so much Steve for coming on! You’ve given us some great answers!

Steve Beckitt


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